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Not Everyone’s that Way As I walked down the street one day, I saw an elderly lady carrying a bag. I asked if I could help in any...
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Sweet Dreams by Stacy Claflin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Omg, great book. I didn't want to put it down. I did shed a tear or two. Loved it. This is my first Stacy Claflin book but it sure won't be the last.
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I used to work with children and loved it but noticed that people either ignored them or pushed them away. Children are out greatest asset. ...
Saving Meghan by D.J. Palmer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
OMG, This was a emotional roller coaster read. I cried a couple of times, got mad and questioned myself throughout this book. This is was exciting and had a few twists that i didn't see coming. There is nothing worse when you question yourself and your sanity and this is exactly what the two main characters went through. What do you do when those you are supposed to trust betray you? AWESOME book and characters. They feed off of each other both good and bad. A must read. I wouldn't mind seeing this in a movie format. Hmm?
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Sunday, November 30, 2014
Dancing on Their Tails by Roger Wayne Wallace
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was an interesting read. This was different from what I normally read but I do enjoy different genres and hate missing out on a good read just because it belongs in a different genre. So that being said. I have to say I throughly enjoyed this book. Yes at first its kinda on the rough side but the point is to read and watch a person grow into his own.
I think most of us have a battle that we face with politics, religion just life in general and that is true about the character in this book Bruno. I don't want to give out any details but for it to have fishing in it ( detailed at that) I believe both male and female can enjoy this.
It's heartbreaking and uplifting at the same time. Although sometimes I didn't care for some comments in the book I can look past it and it doesn't take away from the story. Love free speech and respect it.
I would recommend this book to my friends to read because I believe in it and I believe in most cases it can help someone go in the direction of life that was intended for them. We all have a place that is special and Bruno is no different.
We all are searching for something in life, sometimes we find it and sometimes we overlook it and it was there the whole time.
Please do yourself a favor. If you love reading then you will like this book.
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Friday, July 25, 2014
Three Little Words by Susan Mallery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I really truly enjoyed this book. I am really surprised that I haven't found out about Susan Mallery earlier. This is number 12 in the series and reading it I didn't feel as if I was lost because I didn't read the others. I am going to read the others because if they are as good as this one then I am missing out on some great reading.
Funny how we let life events define us and we eventually lose ourselves. In this you have Isabel, Ford and Conseula kinda lost and looking for a place to belong. It takes a lot of patience, love and understand among friends and potential loves in order for them to see what and who they are.
I am now on the hunt for the first 11 books of this series because I think they are worth it, this book was that good.
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Wednesday, July 2, 2014
September Ends by Hunter S. Jones
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is an emotionally charged book. Tissues please. Wonderfully written and everything is so unpredictable, it just nevers goes the way you might think it would. I am absolutely going to read September Again right now.
Elizabeth October Snow has lost a lot of precious people in life to death and she is still reeling from the death of her brother. Finally she starts opening up to Pete Hendrix and he shares his love of Jack O' Savage's poetry.
Liz finds out later a truth about him and her life is sent into a tailspin. Suddenly she finds herself in another country away from the pain and truth and betrayal.
Pete Hendrix has caused pain to a lot of people and now he's punishing himself buy locking himself away from life. The only thing that helps him through the mess he's made of his life and others is his poetry and Jack O Savage's poetry.
Jack O' Savage is a poet full of darkness after he lost the woman he loved but some how light entered his life when he found Liz after he done a poetry reading.
This is a heartbreaking, bittersweet read with a little happiness sprinkled in the middle. This is a great read for most readers and I know anyone who reads this will enjoy it.
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Friday, June 27, 2014
When You Are Mine by Kennedy Ryan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I absolutely loved this book. I just didn't want it to end. I was upset though with the way it ended but I guess that's why they call it a series. I am really looking forward to the others in the series.
Walsh Bennett saw a woman that made him take another look. She stood out like no other and he watched her as she helped an elderly lady get home. This was just the start of Walsh's heartache, pain and wanting something that will never be his.
Kerris Moreton hasn't had an easy life but she has reached beyond it and is making something of herself and her life. She was abandoned and has no clue who her parents are. Being shuffled from one home to another was not easy. It was the Walsh Foundation that helped her reach her goals.
There's a connection that Walsh and Kerris have but the problem is that Kerris is promised to Cameron, Walsh's best friend.
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Thursday, May 1, 2014
My Book Review of "Comfort of Fences" By Stacy Overman Morrison
Comfort of Fences By Stacy Overman Morrison ISBN# 9781939927569 Author’s Website: http://www.stacyomorrison.com/
Ruth is dying and her 52 year old daughter Denise has never paid a bill, lived on her own, or had a romantic relationship. Ruth knows she has been overprotective, but hoped that she would outlive her special-needs daughter. Metastasized cancer crushes that hope and forces Ruth to find a way to provide for Denise once she is dead. First Ruth turns to Social Security for Disability benefits. After tests, pokes and prods, doctors, nosy psychologists, and ill-furnished waiting rooms, the government declares Denise not eligible for benefits. Mad at the world and daring the government to arrest her so they will have to take care of her since they wouldn’t her daughter, Ruth takes up smoking pot in the backyard. A few joints in, Ruth begins to realize her anger is self-directed. She doubts every decision she has ever made in raising her daughter that doctors, in the 1950s, labeled “retarded.” Partially to coax her mother from the backyard and partially because Ruth will not speak of the past, Denise asks her mother to write down their history of which Denise has no memory. Trying to atone and explain how she could be so obtuse, Ruth agrees. Telling her story becomes an obsession for Ruth who sees the history as her only chance to leave a place for herself in the world since cancer is steadily eating away her physicality. While Ruth writes, Denise begins to pursue her own independence, despite the minor setbacks of a chopped off fingertip and chemo poisoning. She begins to make choices for herself and finally tells her mother pieces of her own truth: Denise stayed with her mother because she chose to, because she loved her mother more than any life she could make for herself. In claiming her own truth, Denise also chooses silence about the biggest secrets of all. Comfort of Fences explores the messy business of mothering. It is a story about the love between a devoted mother and her special daughter that exposes the irony that the people we love the most can also be the ones we underestimate the greatest.
Comfort of Fences By Stacy Overman Morrison ISBN# 9781939927569 Author’s Website: http://www.stacyomorrison.com/
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Kim
I started to rate this as a 3 and I guess this is where personal choice comes in. The reason I give it 5 stars is because this book will make you feel emotions you didn’t know existed and in that aspect it gets 5 stars. A good book is supposed to draw you in and make you feel things as you read it. The reason I wanted to give a 3 is because I really don’t like Ruth. Kids don’t have a choice sometimes and have to rely on the adults in their lives which sometimes is not right or fair.
I really don’t know what to make of this story because some of the stuff is so out there, for example, Ruth making Denise have a hysterectomy taking her choices away from her. Sadly I can see this being done in real life. The story is there, the hurt, love, mistakes and family. This story is much like the real world, real life doesn’t always have a happy ending. The choices that we make in life, we have to live with and most of the time it’s too late to right wrongs. The story goes back and forth to the two main characters, the mother Ruth and daughter Denise and it begins in the present day and time, Ruth has been diagnosed with cancer again and this time there is no stopping it.
They make Ruth into a mother who only wanted what was best for Denise when actually Ruth was selfish and really only thought of herself and how to make it easier for her. If you want a book that makes you feel every emotion known to man this is the one. It will make you angry enough that you want to shake them. I know at one point I was so mad at Ruth that I literally didn’t want to finish the book but as good writing does it draws you back and you just have to finish. I did and I am glad because a good writer makes you feel, they draw you into the story.
Denise is much like Ruth, She takes the easy way. She doesn’t want to make choices and is afraid of anything that breathes because of Ruth telling her what she should be afraid of instead of how to cope with life so as not to be afraid. Denise lets her mom Ruth control every aspect of her life, now Denise is in her 50′s and her mother is dying and she has never lived alone or made any kind of a choice until Ruth’s cancer makes the decisions for both of them.
This is about a friendship and love of family and no matter what’s been said or done sometimes there are bonds that can never be broken. I can see that depending on the person reading this book and their life history is how they are going to see the characters in this book. I see what I wrote above but I think others will see Ruth as a devoted mother to Denise and Denise as a devoted daughter but I have to say I see selfishness. Lucky for them they do have a friend in one woman that Ruth has practically known her whole life and as far as Georgia is concerned she most always disagreed with Ruth but still stood beside her and was there for her good, bad and the ugly.
For the most part this is a good book, it will keep you on your toes and wondering what is going to happen next.
My Book Review of "The Island of Doves by Kelly O'Conner McNees
My Review of "The Island of Doves" by KELLY O’CONNOR MCNEES
he Island of Doves By Kelly O’Connor McNees ISBN# 9780425264584 Author’s Website: http://kellyoconnormcnees.com/
The reason I gave this 5 stars because it was well written and the complexity of the story with so many lives and people and emotions involved. This may be a work of fiction but there are so many truths in most every line of this story that I could actually feel the pain and the losses these people felt.
he Island of Doves By Kelly O’Connor McNees ISBN# 9780425264584 Author’s Website: http://kellyoconnormcnees.com/
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Kim
This kinda hit home for me being raised in an abusive environment and I am sure many reading this will say why don’t they just leave. The answers are in this book and it’s so true, I know because I lived it as a child.
This is about Susannah Brownell whose life has been turned upside down because her father promised her hand in marriage to Edward Fraser. Edward and Susannah get married and not even two weeks into the marriage Susannah’s parents die owing lots of debts leaving it up to Edward to pay. Now every chance Edward gets he lets her know that it’s her fault that he had to use his own money to pay them off.
No matter how hard she tries it’s just never good enough for him. She’s not allowed to have friends, she has no family to turn to and she is to follow his every command or bear the brunt of his wrath.
Unknown to Susannah, she has a friend in her housekeeper who is worried enough about her to tell a nun and after the conversation with the nun, Susannah’s escape is set in motion. It’s going to be one rough road to freedom for her but is she going to be able to survive the road to freedom or is Edward going to find her?
Magdelaine after losing her sister to the jealous rage of a man, has decided to try and help women of abuse anyway she can and so far it’s not worked out. Twice the rescues did not work out so when she got news of Susannah and asked if she would help her of course the answer was yes. This is something she has to do to make amends of not being able to protect her sister from her terrible fate but things don’t quite work out the way that Magdelaine planned. How can she free her sister’s spirit if she can’t save just one woman?
This is an emotionally charged book and even if you haven’t been in this type of environment you will still feel the emotions and actually see in your mind the physical toll abuse takes on its victims. And see what they will do once they make up their mind to escape.
If Kelly O’Connor McNees writes this well in all her books then I can see her building up a huge fan base.
*OBS would like to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Friday, April 25, 2014
Not Everyone's That Way
Everyone’s that Way
As I
walked down the street one day,
I saw
an elderly lady carrying a bag.
asked if I could help in any way,
said no thanks as her shoulders sag.
help I could tell she was afraid to ask,
gave her my name – she relaxed a little.
her to talk to me was a hard task.
was so nervous, her fingers twiddled.
her balance I gave her my arm,
she was so scared she wouldn’t budge.
asked her why she was alarmed,
As I
helped her out of the sludge.
she said, “no one helps without a goal,”
listened in silence as she spoke,
learn a lot when you grow old,”
emotions made her voice croak.
said, “You don’t live to my age,
not see every knock in life.
like a book and it’s page,
every wrinkle- their was strife,
one every gives unless they want something in return.
is the world today.
I’ve many lessons learned,
know it’s how it’s going to stay.
when I’ve asked for help in kind,
what will you do for me.
think in the back of my mind,
not the way it used to be.
the past kindness was from the heart,
food and shelter from those hoping,
help give others a better start,
were having trouble coping.
I’ve learned to do things on my own,
or do
without certain needs,
people have been turned to stone,
their minds is nothing but greed.
little old lady had me thinking,
everyone’s that way.
without even blinking,
gave her the time of day.
can’t speak for everyone for I am only me,
I’ve yet to go where you have tread.
please accept my generosity as it’s meant to be,
that is what it is,” to her I said.
suffered from others blindness,
not used to people sharing.
was no charge for my kindness,
was only caring.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
The Mary Reader: Ray of Light By Shelley Shepard Gray GIVEAWAY!
The Mary Reader: Ray of Light By Shelley Shepard Gray GIVEAWAY!: Bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray brings inspirational romance to life in this sweet tale of love in the Amish community, R...
Friday, April 18, 2014
The Adventures of Titch and Mitch- Shipwrecked
I truly loved this book and I believe my grandkids will too. It's full of fun, fantasy and friendship. but you forget it's fiction because the characters seem to come to life. Although I am an adult I am looking forward to reading the rest of the, "The Adventures of Titch and Mitch" books.
You have two pixies, who are brothers, that get into trouble because they are curious about the world around them and no matter how much trouble they get into they seem to come out alright and help others along the way.
I don't want to give anything away but this is a great book for children to learn about helping others and friendships. I'd recommend this to anyone who has children. If they can't read, it's well worth the time for you to read it to them.
You have two pixies, who are brothers, that get into trouble because they are curious about the world around them and no matter how much trouble they get into they seem to come out alright and help others along the way.
I don't want to give anything away but this is a great book for children to learn about helping others and friendships. I'd recommend this to anyone who has children. If they can't read, it's well worth the time for you to read it to them.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Autumn's Child Book Review
Oh my Goodness, this was an awesome book. My heart ached for Layla and my eyes shed tears. I mean the kind of tears and hurt that you feel yourself when a loved one dies. I guess I related on a personal level since I lost my Dad 3 months ago.
This book is one that you won't want to put down. Many people can relate to Layla and her choices because sometimes in the name of love and of family you sometimes have to do things you won't want to do but you do because you feel there is no choice.
"There is one thing worse than killing another man, It's wasted life. All the years we spend doing nothing is a crime worst than murder," Aunt Libby.
All I can say is if you don't read this book it's your loss because you are going to miss out on what the writer is offering. A story that pulls you in and pulls at your heartstrings.
"When Autumn sets in and the leaves of the trees have fallen to their end, There and only then is where you will find my sins.......Autumns Child will Spring again." Last page of story. Link to Autumn's Child Goodreads
This book is one that you won't want to put down. Many people can relate to Layla and her choices because sometimes in the name of love and of family you sometimes have to do things you won't want to do but you do because you feel there is no choice.
"There is one thing worse than killing another man, It's wasted life. All the years we spend doing nothing is a crime worst than murder," Aunt Libby.
All I can say is if you don't read this book it's your loss because you are going to miss out on what the writer is offering. A story that pulls you in and pulls at your heartstrings.
"When Autumn sets in and the leaves of the trees have fallen to their end, There and only then is where you will find my sins.......Autumns Child will Spring again." Last page of story. Link to Autumn's Child Goodreads
Friday, February 28, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
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